Saturday, December 30, 2006


I had been to Vegas this weekend with my new Canon EOS Digital Rebel and happened to capture innumerable photos. Here is a picture of an old couple anticipating in front of the Venetian Casino.

Canon EOS Digital Rebel, Canon IS 4.5-5.6L USM Lens, Aperture 5.6L, Focal length 285 mm, Shutter 1/20 Sec, ISO 400
Date Captured: Dec 26, 2006 4:59 PM

Sunday, December 10, 2006

Frozen Lake and the Sunset

December 10th, no traces of snow in Minneapolis. The temperatures have been in negatives since as early as mid of Octobar and the wheather-men have been busy making the forcast for the coldest winter of all times. Yet, yesterday it was one of those rare warm days when I happened to witness one of the spectacular views of the sunset on the banks of frozen Nakomi Lake. Here are a few of them.
All the photos are taken from Canon EOS 400D with Canon 100-400mm f/5.6L IS Telephoto Lens